Brands that have already committed to the initiative include Belstaff, Christopher Raeburn, Child of the Jago, E.Tautz, Harvey Nichols, Kering, Marks & Spencer, Oliver Spencer, Positive Luxury, Selfridges, Stella McCartney, steventai and Teatum Jones, according to a BFC press release.“This Fashion Week, I’m delighted to see the industry also showing wider leadership in the fight against climate change – bringing together culture and the environment, two of the Mayor’s key priorities,” said Justine Simons, deputy mayor for culture and the creative Industries of London.คำพูดจาก Game Casino
BFC hopes the campaign encourages brands and businesses to increase the demand for green energy, Rush said.Although the United Kingdom is about half-way towards its climate change target to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent by 2050, it is uncertain if the country will meet its target to source 15 per cent of all energy, including electricity, heating and transport, from renewable sources by 2020, the press release added.
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